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 UFC 149 Live Thoughts

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UFC 149 Live Thoughts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 149 Live Thoughts   UFC 149 Live Thoughts - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 9:19 pm

Looks like you had a lot of fun talking to yourself. I would have been here too if I had a good computer. Computer can't handle streams very well with another window open.

Anyways the card overall was bad. Prelims were very solid but that's about it. The Riddle fight was ok and had a solid finish.

Ebersole made a bad choice on taking the short notice fight. Plus he was cutting down to LW were I think he will be very solid. There's always a risk when you take a short notice fight. Ask Rick Story

Kongo showed everyone why he is the HW gatekeeper. Everytime he fights someone with heavy hands he attempts to fight like that. Thank goodness Hunt didn't put up with that BS.

Lombard didn't show up. Plain and simple. Don't know what happen. Maybe that's what happens when he fights top guys. Welcome to the UFC Lombard.

Don't have much to say about Barao/Faber. Either Barao was going to dominate and gas or he was going to dominate and not gas. He did the later one. Faber is now 0-5 in his past title fights and he isn't the top dog no more. He'll probably start doing what Rich franklin is doing now and just do "Big Money" fights.

Overall pretty bad night of fights. We'll forget it once all the mismatches on Fox 4 take place.
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UFC 149 Live Thoughts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: UFC 149 Live Thoughts   UFC 149 Live Thoughts - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 9:43 pm

Well I was hoping people would read back at the thoughts and give their opinions. I think Kongo truly was hurt and that's why he kept clinching, he said he was hurt in an interview after the fight, otherwise he would have been able to unload because Jordan's hands have KO power, but are very sloppy and easy to counter.

Lombard just didn't put himself in the fight, he stood there waiting to block the shot and waiting for a quick openining for a few punches. He needs to be agressive next time, I'm sure he could have taken Boetsch down or turned it into a brawl throghout the fight.

I wasn't sure how Barao would do, but he did good. Not looking for the KO or Sub as much as just looking to pick Faber apart which he did and got the win. Also, I think Franklin is still in the upper part of the Middleweight Division.
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