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Roster Fighter claim is now open for EAUFC..


 Reply To J1VE

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PostSubject: Reply To J1VE   Reply To J1VE Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2012 10:40 pm

To your comment in MW sign ups where you responded to me

I'm not sure about Gustafsson, but Dana announced whoever wins the most impressively between those two fights, gets the next title shot vs. winner of Jones Vs. Henderson. So if Ryan Badder goes in and gets a quick KO of Lyoto without receiving much of any damage, while Shogun and Vera go to a decision and it's close then Bader gets the title shot and the same way around. Although what I find kind of funny is that Jon Jones has defeated all 4 competitors before. I say take a shot with Phil Davis rather than Vera though: Davis Vs. Shogun with the most impressive of the 4 getting a title shot
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