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 Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title

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Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title Empty
PostSubject: Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title   Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 10:09 pm

What do you guys think of tonights episode? I think that the Saunders Vs. Vince fight should have went to a 3rd round. Then Iquinta looked much sharper then his last fight as he won with a dominating KO. Then the announcement of Faber's new opponent for the interim title in Renan Baros, who do you think will win that fight. That one is sure to be good and I think is a toss up. Baros is obviously on a tremendous winning strek and I think Faber is awesome, but Baros might have this one in my opinion. I think Faber still could win though he definitley has a chance.
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Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title   Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 10:41 am

I would reply here with my thoughts, but you pretty much said everything I was going to say on all topics. Third round most definitely, and Ogle really disappointed, because he was improving so much to be knocked out with a SICK elbow. Al deserves it though and I think that the final four really might be the closest to the best 4, with the exception of maybe Justin Lawrence but he lost that fight himself by not listening to his coaches and team.
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Ultimate Fighter & Faber Interim Title
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