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 Dos Santos Vs. Mir predictions

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Dos Santos Vs. Mir predictions Empty
PostSubject: Dos Santos Vs. Mir predictions   Dos Santos Vs. Mir predictions Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2012 10:17 pm

Give me your own personal opinions and predictions for however many you want to (There's a lot of fights). I'm not calling any certain round or by what method, but here's my predictions as well

Dos Santos Vs. Mir

Cain Velasquez Vs. Antonio Silva

Roy Nelson Vs. Dave Herman

Stipe Miocic Vs. Shane del Rosario

Stefan Struve Vs. Lavar Johnson

Diego Brandao Vs. Darren Elkins

Edson Barboza Vs. Jamie Varner

Jason Miller Vs. CB Dollaway

Dan Hardy Vs. Duane Ludwig

Jacob Volkmann Vs. Paul Sass

Kyle Kingsbury Vs. Glover Teixeira

Mike Brown Vs. Daniel Pineda

I dont want to personally predict this one because I just cant decide. Both I feel have good chance, Mir could esaily get caught, but if on the ground Dos Santos could easily get submitted and I think Mir has grown a bit better boxing, hopefully his conditioning is good so he can stay in the fight.

I would say Velasquez.

Nelson will win

It's sort of up in the air in my opinion, I'll guess Shane though

I think Struve will pull out a submission as long as he doesn't get cught by a big punch


Barboza with an easy win


Dan Hardy

Paul Sass

Kyle Kingsbury

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Pineda
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